The teaching-learning process of the English language in the professionals to-be of agriculture in Ecuador




language, teaching–learning, English language


The English language has acquired great importance in the educational context. The basic contents of the English subject are essential to achieve meaningful, solid, and applied learning, both in life and in professional performance. The main objective of this research is to analyze the importance of the English language in future professionals in the careers of agronomy, agroindustry, and environmental from the Agrarian University of Ecuador. For this research the students from sixth semesters of the respective aforementioned careers were used as the population, with a non-probabilistic sample in addition to having a mixed approach and a descriptive level of research. Furthermore, it is pursued that the research serves as study material for the teachers who teach the subject.


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How to Cite

Crespo Guttler, K. ., Erazo Rivera, J., Ramírez Sánchez, I. ., & Córdova García, D. . (2023). The teaching-learning process of the English language in the professionals to-be of agriculture in Ecuador. Sinergia Académica, 6(4), 242-253.




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