Discrimination gaps and improvements in care to indigenous people and nationalities with socio-cultural and geographical barriers





discrimination gaps, socio-cultural and geographical barriers, attention to indigenous peoples and nationalities, access to services, specialized care, intersectoral collaboration


The article addresses the gaps of discrimination and improvement of care for indigenous peoples and nationalities, facing significant challenges such as the lack of continuous visits by doctors to the communities and geographical obstacles. The importance of adapting contextualized strategies to guarantee equitable and timely access to health services is highlighted. Collaboration between primary health care workers and health personnel is considered an effective and necessary initiative. The objective was to investigate and determine the socio-cultural and geographical barriers that affect the access of indigenous peoples to health services. The methodology used was a descriptive, explanatory research with a qualitative and transversal approach. The qualitative and field methods were interviews and focus groups, as well as direct observation. The specific populations to intervene are older adults, pregnant women, and people with disabilities. The results indicate that differences in experiences and perceptions suggest that geographic location plays a crucial role in overcoming or mitigating the identified barriers. The lack of continuous visits by doctors to the communities, along with geographical obstacles such as distance to the health center. The conclusion of the analysis of the interviews in the different communities highlights the agreement of the respondents regarding the non-existence of sociocultural barriers and respect in the care of indigenous peoples and nationalities, which is an optimistic indicator.


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How to Cite

Vásconez Viscarra, R. D. ., Villa Ñauñay, L. M. ., Chela Chela, B. A. ., & Navas-Montes, Y. . (2024). Discrimination gaps and improvements in care to indigenous people and nationalities with socio-cultural and geographical barriers . Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 2), 223-237. https://doi.org/10.51736/sa.v7iEspecial 2.231


