Application of a didactic guide of grapho-plastic techniques for the strengthening of fine motor skills in children from 3 to 4 years old




children, grapho-plastic techniques, fine motor skills, teaching guide


This article was based on a teaching guide of graph-plastic techniques for the development of fine motor skills in boys and girls aged 3-4 years. The objective of the research was to strengthen fine motor skills in Early Education children. A mixed scientific research approach was used that was accompanied by a descriptive scope with a non-experimental, transversal design. The population and sample were made up of 10 Early Childhood Education teachers and 40 boys and girls aged 3 and 4 years. The judgment of two education experts was relied upon to obtain validation of the research instruments, allowing reliable, objective and relevant results to be obtained on the problem studied. It was found that a large percentage of teachers consider that a teaching guide with graph-plastic techniques is of valuable help in their educational work to strengthen fine motor skills in children with the different suggested techniques and activities.


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How to Cite

Caiza Valencia, E. L. ., López Aguirre, F. M. ., Pulamarin Pulamarin, M. B. ., Tipán Conlago, J. P. ., & Ochoa Chicaiza, P. C. . (2024). Application of a didactic guide of grapho-plastic techniques for the strengthening of fine motor skills in children from 3 to 4 years old. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 2), 192-206. 2.229


