Gamification activities system for the attention of students with attentional deficits in 5th grade of basic education




gamification, attentional deficit, basic education, student attention, innovative pedagogical strategies.


Attention in the contemporary educational environment has acquired a fundamental importance for the academic performance and integral development of students. This study set out to design and evaluate a Gamification Activity System specifically conceived for fifth-year elementary school students with attention deficit. The research was carried out at the fiscomisional school of basic education Mercedes Navarrete, with a sample of 20 students and three teachers. A quasi-experimental experimental design of a single pretest-posttest group was implemented, complemented with teacher interviews and validation by expert criteria. The standardized instruments used included the Test of Concentrated Attention and the Attention and Concentration Scale. The results revealed significant improvements in student attention, supporting the effectiveness of the Gamification Activity System. Despite the positive reception, areas for improvement were identified in the variety of activities and the integration of multimedia elements. These findings underscore the relevance of adaptive pedagogical strategies, especially in the context of attentional deficit, providing valuable contributions to the academic field and highlighting gamification as a promising approach to address the complexities of attention in the educational environment.


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How to Cite

Montoya Torres, G. F. ., Villavicencio Ovando, L. P. ., & Hodelyn Amable, N. . (2024). Gamification activities system for the attention of students with attentional deficits in 5th grade of basic education. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 2), 87-112. 2.224


