Pedagogy and institutional administration: Challenges and pitfalls




pedagogy, administration, school, emotional intelligence


The article tries to make an approach to pedagogy with the main idea of understanding what is the link with the institutional administration. To this end, some challenges that must be faced by the school institutional administration are outlined, such as values, education for peace and emotional intelligence, but not without first mentioning some elements around scientific and positivist pedagogy, systems theory. In the final reflections, mention is made of how it is necessary to rethink the institutional administration without losing sight of the fact that it must be assumed in a participatory way by all the members of the school.


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How to Cite

Andrade Mora, C. M. ., Monserrate Rocafuerte, W. R. ., & Arias Garcia, B. C. . (2024). Pedagogy and institutional administration: Challenges and pitfalls. Sinergia Académica, 7(Especial 2), 58-69. 2.220




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