Autonomy in distance teaching-learning process of foreign languages in Matanzas University


  • Alexander Pérez Suárez Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Degree in Education. Specialty English Language. Full Professor. Department of Foreign Languages. Faculty of Languages. University of Matanzas. Cuba.
  • Leipzig Rodríguez Medina Master of Science in Education. Bachelor's Degree in Education. Specialty English Language. Assistant Professor. Vice-Dean of Research and Graduate Studies. Faculty of Languages. University of Matanzas. Cuba.
  • Sandra Linares Dávalos B.A. in English as a Second Foreign Language. Instructor. Language Center. Faculty of Languages. University of Matanzas. Cuba.



autonomy, teaching-learning process, foreign languages, distance education.


This article deals with the analysis of autonomy in the foreign language teaching-learning process in the context of the social distance imposed by the Covid-19 pandemics. Such reality led the Cuban university to implement emergency changes in its system, assuming features of distance education, particularized in a distance learning format. Such is the case of Matanzas University Language School, which faculty searched for ways of improving the students’ autonomy from a developmental perspective. Meanwhile, technology, with its virtual environment, reached untold levels of preponderance. The results of teaching, the methodological activity, the interaction with the students and the continuous diagnosis update, favored the identification of theoretical positioning reflected in this work, as well as the best practices in favor of the assimilation of strategies, the cooperation and help levels offer. As a result, we share criteria about the co-direction of the process, as well as the best practices, focused on a student who becomes more and more autonomous and committed with the social assignment of his future profession.


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2021-10-26 — Updated on 2022-03-10

How to Cite

Pérez Suárez, A., Rodríguez Medina, L., & Linares Dávalos, S. (2022). Autonomy in distance teaching-learning process of foreign languages in Matanzas University. Sinergia Académica, 4(4), 25-36.


